Building Block One - Keep It Simple Management

We work with you to create your company's Character-Based or value-driven performance management system. This is Kiara's Keep It Simple Management.

Staff actually enjoy themselves while becoming more accountable. A simple yet comprehensive performance review and goal setting self-management system is established. Every business unit and company function can be systematically organized and energized:

First, company values are defined and developed into a company performance review format. Secondly, staff performance reviews make these company values come alive. Next, direct reports express new initiatives for their jobs and business units to their managers through self-initiated goals. In the process, staff learn self-management while becoming more positive, hardworking, and responsible. Individually and collectively these new initiatives are coupled with the central principles of three classic management books - Good to Great by Jim Collins, The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. The principles are executed, not just understood.

Positive change is now set in motion. A culture of discipline is established through a cumulative process of step-by-step action. This develops mutually reinforcing new initiatives and improves established processes.

Any company can manage less
and accomplish much more.

© Key People, Inc.